The Art of the Beasts (Tattoo)

We just got an amazing photo and email from Chloé Tartinville of London:

Chloe Tartinville
Chloe Tartinville

Chloé writes: "This movie means so much to me! Because it talks about the most important things to my heart: the freedom to live the life you choose, the respect for nature and the earth that's been given to us, the idea to be bigger than your fears even when you're little, and also, it talks about gender identity and tolerance. And this relates very much to the little tomboy I used to be. Here’s a photo of my tattoo (who the man now?).  One day I’ll have a daughter, she’ll be as awesome as Hushpuppy (and Scout from Mockingbird)!"

Chloe inspired us to share some of the other tattoos we've come across in our internet travels. Like this one via @anteaurora, just like the one on Miss Bathsheba's thigh:


And these beautifully detailed aurochs from @sweets_ink:


We love this depiction of the Hushpuppy and auroch confrontation from @mattyrx.


Blogger Linda Leinen on Beasts and Serendipity

Blogger Linda Leinen
Blogger Linda Leinen

In a stroke of pure serendipity (okay, Google alerts) we came across Linda Leinen's thoughtful post on how watching Beasts of the Southern Wild inspired her to embark on a personal exploration of her own family's journey.

She shares tales of her great great grandpa David Crowley, who rode out part of his Civil War military service in our home state of Louisiana, and the mysterious discovery of her family crest.


"It bears a certain resemblance to an auroch, which raises some questions," she writes. "Could that be Grandpa David standing nose to nose with Hushpuppy in The Bathtub? Did Confederate forces experience the Union Army as beasts from the North? Have I found the explanation for my inordinate fondness for hushpuppies?"

Read her whole piece here.