What Beasts of the Southern Wild Really Says

Or, at least through the eyes of one viewer. From the By Way of Beauty blog, another take on the film:

My favorite: "We's what the earth is for."

This last quote comes right before the end of the captivating first few scenes, which reveal the celebratory spirit of life in The Bathtub, complete with song, food, and fireworks. 

These lines show what Beasts is fundamentally about - not poverty or politics (though it does touch on these things), but universal "big" questions about mortality, purpose, and ultimate reality.

In a revealing interview with the director Benh Zeitlin, he does talk briefly about the social and political dimensions of the film. Zeitlin explains that the film tries to show The Bathtub as a kind of "utopia," a place defined by "ultimate freedom" and "joy" that you'd want to "fight and die for." (To be fair, you could also point to the many instances of physical, psychological, and spiritual turmoil experienced by Hushpuppy, and make a case for The Bathtub being an equally destructive and problematic place. The Bathtub - though blessed with a certain simplicity and sense of community - is far from a utopia, even on the film's own terms.)

Read the full analysis here.

Bathtub Recipes

It's feed-up time! Looking for a new dish to try out at your viewing party? You're in luck! We've put together a miniature Bathtub cookbook full of home-cooked favorites from Maryland to Montague, a virtual package full of recipes from the Bathtub and party posters to jazz up your viewing party. Download our recipe book here.

And check out Oprah's recipe guide here.

If you're looking to find a party happening near you, check out our events page here.

Enjoy and be sure to let us know how they turn out!  Send us photos of your festive event at beasts@beastsofthesouthernwild.com.

¡Bienvenidos a la Bañera Puerto Rico!

¡Saludos! Mi nombre es Jaime. Acabo de unirme al equipo de alcance de Beasts of the Southern Wild como Coordinador de Alcance para compartir con ustedes una gran experiencia cinematográfica y traer la atención de los puertorriqueños acerca de la película.

Este viernes 23 de agosto tenemos el honor de estrenar Bestias del Sur Salvaje en el Fine Arts Popular Cinema Café en Hato Rey y Fine Arts Miramar Cinema Café en Miramar, Puerto Rico.

Aunque vivo lejos de mi tierra nativa, estoy muy orgulloso de compartir la poesía y magia de esta obra con toda mi familia en en la isla, invitándolos a que participen en una aventura única y un “verdadero tesoro” (Fernández-París / Especial El Nuevo Día) del cine.

Puedes ayudar a correr la voz usando nuestra página de web Be a Beast donde encontrarás herramientas para establecer eventos e información para ser parte de nuestra comunidad. Mándame un e-mail a jaime@beastsofthesouthernwild.com para compartir ideas o preguntas que tengas sobre la película. ¡Especialmente en Puerto Rico!

¡Espero oír de ti pronto!



Dear Fellow Beasts!

My name is Jaime. I've just joined the Beasts grassroots team as an Outreach Coordinator to help share this great cinematic experience with you and generate awareness about the film in Puerto Rico, where I'm from.

This Friday, August 23rd, we have the honor of presenting Beasts of the Southern Wild in the Fine Arts Popular Cinema Café and Fine Arts Miramar Cinema Café in Puerto Rico.

Although I live far from my homeland, I am proud to now have the opportunity to share the poetry and magic of this film with my family at home, inviting them to participate in a unique adventure and a “true treasure” (Fernández-París / Especial El Nuevo Día) of cinema.

As you probably already know, you can help spread the word about the film using our Be a Beast page. It contains event organizing tools and info on becoming part of our community. You can also send me an email directly at jaime@beastsofthesouthernwild.com to share ideas or questions about the film, especially in Puerto Rico!

I look forward to working with you and hearing from you!

Sincerely, Jaime

Beasts on Super Soul Sunday

It goes without saying that we're incredibly humbled, mystified, and proud that our tiny film has caught Oprah Winfrey's eye.  We've come so far! Sunday, August 26th at 11 AM EST/PST, Oprah will be spending a full hour with Dwight, Quvenzhané, and Benh on her multi-platform Super Soul Sunday. The show will air on OWN (your local channel is easy to find on the Oprah site) and is also available streaming online and on the OWN Facebook page.


Supporters from Cleveland to California will be getting together to amplify this boost for Beasts!


Viewing parties come in all shapes, sizes and geographic locations. You could call your local brunch spot and corral a group of hungry friends to watch there.  Or simply open up your living room, have a few folks over, and try out a new recipe. When Beasts screened in Ashland, OR, a local restaurant called Thai Pepper served up "the Hushpuppy", a tasty drink of sweet corn infused vodka, soda (or tonic), and a bacon salt rim! Create your own Bathtub Gin or fried Hushpuppy and send us photos of you and your friends enjoying them together!

If you're going to organize an event, emails us at beasts@beastsothesouthernwild.com and we can send you a goodie bag of posters, pins, recipes and other cool party favors.

Dwight Henry (aka Wink) is getting his friends together to watch at a Jazz club in New Orleans so stop by if you're local, or follow on twitter via @abuttermilkdrop.

You can also mention @BeastsTheMovie, @SuperSoulSunday and #beastingit to make sure we know you're out there!

Head over to our Be a Beast page to organize an event and find out what's going on around you.