GQ Interviews Benh Zeitlin

GQ: What did you learn about Southern Louisiana and Cajun culture that you didn't expect to uncover?

Benh Zeitlin: Cajuns teach fearlessness to their children, which is the opposite of what you experience in the Northeast, where people are raising children in a fear based culture of phrases like, "don't cross the street alone" and "don't talk to that person." If you drive by casually in Southern Louisiana, you will see children running around alone, but that's part of a plan. This region breeds the strongest people. They are so brave, and they have to be in order to live in that region. I am really in awe of that. We'd tried to express that in the film, with Wink as a father who doesn't coddle his daughter, but instead, expresses his love for Hushpuppy by allowing her to be on her own, to make her tough and ready to survive without him.

Read the full interview here.

Open Roof Festival

Last week, Beasts had the honor of closing out the Open Roof Film Festival in Toronto, Canada.  It was a perfect end of summer celebration, complete with live music, drinks, and a soundtrack give-away. Our awesome Canadian outreacher, Sam, was on the scene to observe...

The Amsterdam Brewery was buzzing with excitement on Thursday August 23rd. 300 tickets were pre-sold before the event began and when we arrived the rush line was out the door, around the corner and at least two blocks down. One man waiting in line said that he had never seen it so busy. After the fact, we learned that this screening of Beasts of the Southern Wild was the Open Roof Film Festivals largest attendance in three years!

Before the film began, a great Canadian band, Bruce Peninsula, performed live. Phil M., a frequent Open Roof Festival moviegoer, said, “I thought that most people would have come out to see the band, but most are actually here to see the film.” Prior to the screening most of the patrons interviewed weren’t actually sure what the film was about, but they were in attendance because what they had heard inspired them.

After the screening I looked around at the tear filled audience. This film brings about an emotional response in everyone. Neil, a band member of Bruce Peninsula, said, “I was on the verge of crying the entire time but the movie was saying, “don’t cry you sissy,” so I couldn’t.” He continues, “I felt like I was in a whole other world that I couldn’t live in in my own life.

This screening of Beasts of the Southern Wild at Open Roof Festival hosted people from 11 to 65 years old. It’s a rare and beautiful moment when one movie can draw such a wide audience and lead them to the same conclusion.

I grew up in a small community just north of downtown Toronto, Canada. We used to call it “The Bubble” because we were so sheltered from the rest of the world. Similar to Beasts of the Southern Wild, everyone knew everyone and those who weren’t a part of “The Bubble” were seen as a threat.

I have worked on some of the top reality television shows in Canada and the U.S.A. but up until now I have not had the opportunity to experience such an incredible unity between a production and an audience that I have seen with this film. One man in attendance at the Open Roof Festival asked me if I’ve ever been to New Orleans. The great thing about this film is that even thousands of miles away in Canada, every single person who watches the movie can find a way to make it relatable to his or her own story.

For more Festival photos, check out Open Roof's Facebook album.

Sam Schleifer is a Beasts of the Southern Wild Outreacher based in Toronto, Canada.

Watch Party at Sweet Lorraine's

Our New Orleans watch party at Sweet Lorraine's was a blast. A huge thank you to Marianna, our amazing outreacher who organized the party with Dwight Henry.

There were some incredible highlights, from everyone in the bar chanting "Beast it!" to the cheers whenever group shots with a lot of people from the film were shown.

The occasion turned out to be a great reunion for cast and crew who hadn't seen each other since the premiere in NOLA. Everyone got to rehash memories, marvel in all that's happened, and celebrate together. As Lowell Landes said, "You know how with any job, there's always one person that's a fly in the ointment because they don't shower, or they're mean--well there was no fly in the ointment this time.  Everyone was great, it was a great group of people to work with."

On a similar note, to all of our friends down South who are dealing with preparations for Hurricane Isaac, we're sending safe thoughts and love.

Check out pictures from Sweet Lorraines below!